You Cannot Get Something for Nothing

Posted: March 24th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Whole Life Advice | No Comments »

Most people want “something for nothing,” but we can never get something for nothing.

If we are holding onto our ego, then we want something for our ego, and if we want something for our ego we will never get it. Oh, we might get something temporarily—but ego won’t let us be satisfied with it. Contentment will always elude us so long as our ego is in the way.

Once our ego is removed, then we are full—we are complete, which means there is nothing missing. If there is nothing missing then there is no need for ‘something,’ hence, we have no desire to get something for nothing because we already have everything.

Everything is nothing and nothing is everything, but something is a very little part of everything—and something is never enough as long as we think we are missing something. So long as we are in our ego, we think we are missing something. However, in reality, we are not missing anything—we are in reality missing nothing. When we have no ego we have everything, which is nothing; hence, when we have no ego we are not missing anything. When we are not missing anything, we have no desire to get something for nothing.

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